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Stuttgart Chapter Meeting | Lunch at the #MannheimerForLife Day | April 5, 2025

Event organiser

Mannheim Business School

On the agenda

Dear Stuttgart Chapter!

this year on Mannheimer For Life Day, you will meet for a Lunch at Höhencafé Killesberg! We purposely chose a Saturday for this event, so that you can bring your partners and/or families as well.

Get ready to raise a glass to good times along with a sizzling lunch in a lovely area surrounded by nature!


Date: Saturday, April 5th

Time: 12:30 CET

Location: Höhencafé Killesberg | Thomastr. 101/Höhenpark | 70192 Stuttgart

Looking forward to seeing you and yours there!

We would like to especially thank our Chapter Presidents in Stuttgart Valeria Brancato and Deepti Madhok for making this possible!

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