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Yearly Gathering | Visual Abtract & MBS at Mafinex

Event organiser

Mannheim Business School

On the agenda

The Visual Abstract Team is pleased to invite you to another gathering as last year at the MAFINEX Technologiezentrum on May 02.


6.00 pm | Start
6.30 pm | Welcome
                 "What is Visual Abstract actually doing?" - by VA Team
                  Intro "MAFINEX" - by Eva-Maria Markutzik, MD Mafinex

Here you can find more information on the event.

For the arrangement of the gathering:

  • Drinks will be set up by fellow Mannheimer Hannes Berg - Please bring some cash with you!
  • We will again have the singing pizza here as well as some salads and finger food on the side

Date and Time: Friday, May 02, 2025 | event starts at 6.00 pm CEST
Location: MAFINEX Technologiezentrum | Julius-Hatry-Straße 1, 68163 Mannheim, Germany

We want to especially thank Visual Abstract for making this possible! They have also set up a group for the event, join it through the following link

Best regards,
Your ACO Team

Please note our policy concerning visual and audio recordings here.
By registering for MBS ACO events, Mannheimers acknowledge and commit to abide by the MBS Network Honor Code.


Benito Campos, Saribek Karapetyan, Eva-Maria Markutzik